
  • What Makes Slot Machine Appear In Mario 3d World
    카테고리 없음 2021. 2. 27. 08:30

    1. What Makes Slot Machine Appear In Mario 3d Worlds
    2. What Makes Slot Machine Appear In Mario 3d World Cup
    This article is about the level in Donkey Kong Country Returns. For the level in Super Mario 3D World, see Cosmic Cannon Cluster.
    Cannon Cluster
    GameDonkey Kong Country Returns (3D)
    MusicMast Blast
    <<List of levels>>

    Cannon Cluster is the eleventh level in Donkey Kong Country Returns and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, as well as the fourth level in the Beach world. With a Map Key, the Kongs can unlock another level, Stormy Shore.

    Located on the ocean shore of Donkey Kong Island, Cannon Cluster features many pirate ships that shoot cannonballs at Donkey and Diddy Kong. In many areas of the stage, the Kongs must dodge the cannonballs by simply running past them or taking shelter under large boards. Additionally, many wooden crates appear around the level, some of which block the Kongs' path or contain collectibles. The level is not entirely a beach area however; various piers and shipwrecks are also featured. Near the piers, Jellybobs often jump out attempting to attack the Kongs. Pinchlys and Snaps are found along the beach areas of the level.

    In the Time Attack mode, a time of 0:50:00 is needed to get a gold medal, a time of 1:01:00 for silver, and a time of 1:23:00 for bronze.


    The level begins on a flat bridge that leads onto a beach area. When the Kongs head over the beach, they encounter a Snaps and a platform that can be pounded into the ground to reveal a similar platform nearby. There is another Snaps farther ahead, followed by some more after a pair of crates. After the Kongs head down a small hill, they come across a flat area that is constantly being shot by cannonballs from the ships in the background. Before a raised area right after the section of land that the cannonballs hit is a DK Barrel. If the Kongs climb up the ledge next to it, they enter an area with a few bridges that lead over water. Gaps are in them, and Jellybobs jump out of them. A larger gap is after the second Jellybob, which holds the letter K of the K-O-N-G Letters and a Tiki Buzz in it. A raised section of the bridge is above this gap and the letter with a treasure chest, some bananas, and a Banana Coin on it. After another gap in the bridge placed near a Pinchly is a long, flat area of the bridge that is placed slightly above the sand. Cannonballs shoot in this area that the heroes must avoid. A gap with water inside of it is following this section of cannonballs with a Tiki Buzz in it.

    The primates approach a gap with a Jellybob in it

    On the other side of the gap is a raised bridge that is on top of the sand from the beach. The Kongs can jump off of the end of this bridge to reach the beach area, where there are some Snaps and a treasure chest. Farther ahead of them, and also immediately before them, are some wooden platforms that can be pounded into the ground to reveal a similar platform nearby. One of these platforms has a fan next to it that makes a section of ground rise when blown on. After this fan is a small gap with a Jellybob in it. On the other side of the gap is a bridge that leads back onto land. The Kongs can find crates here, followed by a raised area that is being shot by cannonballs. A wooden board is above a treasure chest here that they can take shelter under from the cannonballs; the letter O is on top of the board. The Kongs must progress onto a large wooden object and climb across it before they are shot by too many cannonballs, allowing them to reach the Tutorial Pig with the checkpoint on a straight, flat bridge.

    From the checkpoint, a gap located immediately after a lone barrel can be found with a Jellybob in it. On the other side of the gap is a vessel part that floats on top of the water. Another floating ship part is after the gap placed nearby, which has a Jellybob in it like most pits in the level. On this vessel section is a wooden crate, and above the gap right after it is the letter N. A Jellybob jumps out of the gap under the letter. There is yet another floating ship part on the other side of this gap with three bananas above it. The gap that is located after this ship part has another Jellybob in it and leads to a small, buoyant platform. The Kongs can reach an area of land near this floating platform, which has some crates on it. After the crates is a flat area that is shot by many cannonballs from the background. At the end of this area is a wall that the Kongs must go under by pounding a few crates apart to access an alcove below it. They can reach the letter G by jumping off of these crates. When they get under the wall, they come up to a curvy area of land covered with Pinchly enemies. Farther ahead of them is an area that is constantly being shot by cannonballs. They must run across this part of the level while trying to avoid the cannonballs to reach a raised piece of ground that can aid them in reaching a large, wooden ship part. Above an abyss next to the vessel is the level's Slot Machine Barrel; the level is completed when it is hit.


    Tiki Buzz2


    Banana Coin8
    DK Barrel1
    Red Balloon1

    K-O-N-G Letters[edit]

    KThe letter K is in a wide gap located in a bridge area at the start. The Kongs must jump on a Tiki Buzz surrounding the letter K to safely collect it without falling into the pit.
    OAt an area of land that the cannonballs shoot at just before the checkpoint, the letter O is on a wooden board.
    NDuring the part where ship parts are floating above the water, the Kongs must jump off a crate to reach the letter N above a Jellybob.
    GWhen the Kongs reach the crates right after the second-to-last area of cannonballs, they must jump on them to reach the letter G.

    Puzzle Pieces[edit]

    1At the start, the Kongs can find a wooden platform sticking out of the sand. They must Ground Pound it to make another appear nearby. If they pound it into the ground, the previous wooden platform pops back out of the ground with a Puzzle Piece on it.
    2Just before the letter K is a platform surrounded by two Jellybobs. There, the Kongs must blow at a flower to reveal the second Puzzle Piece.
    3After the next set of cannonballs after the letter K is a wooden platform sticking out of the sand. If they pound on it, another one appears behind them on a raised bridge area. If they stand on this wooden platform they can find a Puzzle Piece high in the air that they can reach by jumping from the platform.
    4The Kongs must pound the next wooden platform after the previous one, where they found the third Puzzle Piece, to make another wooden platform appear next to a fan. The Kongs should stand on the object and blow on the fan to make a section of land rise from the ground. They can use the land to reach a Barrel Cannon that shoots them into a Bonus Level. The Kongs have 30 seconds to move along two large, moving platforms and collect 47 bananas, two Banana Coins, and a Red Balloon. After Donkey Kong and Diddy collect these items, the Puzzle Piece appears.
    5The Kongs must Ground Pound two crates right before the letter O to reveal a Puzzle Piece.
    6After the checkpoint, the Kongs must pick up a barrel and break open a wooden structure behind them. They can go inside a room with a Puzzle Piece, which is visible in the ship.
    7In the area after the letter G is a barrel that is placed near some Pinchlys. The Kongs must pick it up and carry it by an area of cannonballs to find a wooden ship part right before the Slot Machine Barrel. With the barrel, the Kongs can smash a wall on the wooden object to reveal a passage into a Bonus Level. There, they have 30 seconds to move from a trampoline platform to collect some floating Banana Coins and bananas. After the Kongs collect all these items, the seventh and final Puzzle Piece appears.

    Names in other languages[edit]

    Kyanon Atakku
    Cannon Attack
    SpanishCañones en la CostaCannons at the Coast
    French (NOA)Baie BombardéeBombarded Bay
    GermanVolles Rohr!Full Blast
    ItalianPorto bombardaBombard Port
    Jiānóngpào Pàojī
    Cannon Attack
    Donkey Kong Country Returns / Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
    CharactersProtagonistsDonkey Kong • Diddy Kong • Cranky Kong • Rambi the Rhino • Squawks the Parrot • Super Kong • Tutorial Pig • Wigglevine
    BossesMugly • Scurvy Crew • Stu • Mole Miner Max/Train • Mangoruby • Thugly • Colonel Pluck / Stompybot 3000 • Tiki Tong
    Enemies and obstaclesTiki Tak TribeBig Zing • Fireball • Flaming Tiki Buzz • Giant Pillar • Screaming Pillar • Tiki Boing • Tiki Bomber • Tiki Buzz • Tiki Doom • Tiki Goon • Tiki Pilot • Tiki Pop • Tiki Seeker • Tiki Tank • Tiki Tong Tower • Tiki Torch • Tiki Tork • Tiki Zing • Tiki Zing (Factory)
    OtherAck • AckStack • Awk • Big Squeekly • Bobbin' Squeekly • Bonehead Jed • Bopapodamus • BuckBomb • BuckBot • Buzzbite • Cageberry • Char-Char • Chomp • Cling Cobra • Electrasquid • Electroid • Fireball • Firebite • Firehead Ned • Frogoon • Hopgoon • Humzee • Jellybob • Kegull • Kowalee • Leaping flame • Mega Chomp • Mega Snaggles • Mimic • Mole Guard • Mole Miner • Muncher • Pinchly • Rawk • Ready-Bots (Pogobot • Pyrobot) • Shroom Chomp • Skellirex • Skittler • Skittler Pillar • Skullyrex • Snaggles • Snaps • Spore Chomp • Squeekly • Squiddicus • Squidly • Stilts • Super Snaggles • Toothberry • Ultra Char-Char • Vine Chomp
    ObjectsItemsBanana • Banana Bunch • Banana Coin • Banana Juice • Crash Guard* • Green Balloon* • Heart • Heart Boost • K-O-N-G Letters • Map Key • Puzzle Piece • Rare Orb • Red Balloon
    BarrelsBarrel Cannon • Blast Barrel • DK Barrel • Regular Barrel • Slot Machine Barrel
    MiscellaneousBag • Container • Green surface • Rambi Crate • Tire • Trapdoor
    VehiclesMine Cart • Rocket Barrel
    MovesBarrel Roll (Cartwheel Attack) • Blow • Cling • Ground Pound (Popgun Pound) • Ranged attack
    LevelsJungleJungle Hijinxs • King of Cling • Tree Top Bop • Sunset Shore • Canopy Cannons • Crazy Cart • Platform Panic • Mugly's Mound
    BeachPoppin' Planks • Sloppy Sands • Peaceful Pier • Cannon Cluster • Stormy Shore • Blowhole Bound • Tidal Terror • Tumblin' Temple • Pinchin' Pirates
    RuinsWonky Waterway • Button Bash • Mast Blast • Damp Dungeon • Itty Bitty Biters • Temple Topple • Shifty Smashers • Ruined Roost
    CaveRickety Rails • Grip 'n' Trip • Bombs Away • Mole Patrol • Crowded Cavern • Jagged Jewels • The Mole Train
    ForestVine Valley • Clingy Swingy • Flutter Flyaway • Tippin' Totems • Longshot Launch • Springy Spores • Wigglevine Wonders • Muncher Marathon • Blast & Bounce • Mangoruby Run
    CliffSticky Situation • Prehistoric Path • Weighty Way • Boulder Roller • Precarious Plateau • Crumble Canyon • Tippy Shippy • Clifftop Climb • Perilous Passage • Thugly's Highrise
    FactoryFoggy Fumes • Slammin' Steel • Handy Hazards • Gear Getaway • Cog Jog • Switcheroo • Music Madness • Lift-off Launch • Treacherous Track • Feather Fiend
    VolcanoFurious Fire • Hot Rocket • Roasting Rails • Smokey Peak • Bobbing Basalt • Moving Melters • Red Red Rising • Five Monkey Trial • Tiki Tong Terror
    Cloud*Crushin' Columns* • Gushin' Geysers* • Spiky Surprise* • Mischievous Moles* • Topsy Turvy* • Tar Ball Fall* • Robo Factory* • Lavawheel Volcano* • Golden Temple
    Further informationExtras (image names in other languages) • Gallery • Staff
    * Exclusive to Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
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    Retrieved from 'https://www.mariowiki.com/index.php?title=Cannon_Cluster&oldid=2796698'
    When the original
    1. 'Slot Machine - Super Mario 3D World' is a high quality rip of 'Slot Machine' from Super Mario 3D World. At 0:10, the rip becomes a mashup with the song 'Ass N Titties' by DJ Assault.
    2. Beat normal levels (not blockades, Adventures of Captain Toad or end-world boss levels) 25 times. That equals about 5 times a Slot Machine appears as well. Rosalina and Samus Aran are so alike.
    Super Mario Maker came out on the Wii U nearly five years ago, we lamented how disjointed it felt to just play individual levels without 'any sense of continuity or progression.' We longed for a

    World 1-Castle: Bowser's Highway Showdown World 1-Toad: Captain Toad Goes Forth Toad House 1 Toad House 2 Slot Machine World 2 Edit World 3 Edit World 4 Edit World 5 Edit World 6 Edit World Castle Edit World Bowser Edit World Leaf Edit World Star Edit World Mushroom Edit World Flower Edit World Crown Edit Characters Edit Mario Edit Luigi Edit.

    Mario Maker that let us arrange individual levels as building blocks to create 'a complete game, one that progresses gently from easy to hard, teaching you new tricks and throwing in clever twists on old themes along the way.'

    Tomorrow, Nintendo will finally be making those dreams a reality with what it's calling the final major update to Super Mario Maker 2 on the Switch. The new World Maker mode will let you play with 'All your ideas that couldn't be contained in a single course and share them with people around the globe,' as the announcement video puts it.

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    Yes, that includes the ability to create a world map, complete with bridges, hills, customized course icons, background elements, and a variety of cosmetic themes. Those world maps operate on a pretty coarse-grained 7×4 grid system, though, perhaps to make it harder to draw rude words or images with your course paths.

    Up to eight individual worlds can be linked together to make an entire 'game' with up to 40 of your courses (unfortunately, you can't use this feature to curate custom collections of courses created by other players). You can also hide bonus levels in your map, including the famous slot machine item-matching game from Super Mario Bros. 3.

    After nearly five years, this feels like the final piece of the puzzle that will allow Mario Maker to reach its full potential. In the past you could just repeat a Mario Maker level for hours until you finished it, which encouraged a few specific types of level designs. Now, preserving every item, hidden coin, and extra life might be necessary to help you make it through a carefully constructed sequence. That should in turn lead to a blossoming of more thoughtful level layouts and sequences through different ideas.


    More items, more enemies

    On top of the World Maker feature, each game style is also getting a unique new item in this update:

    What makes slot machine appear in mario 3d worldsSlot
    • Super Mario Bros.: An 'SMB2 Mushroom' that lets you ride on top of enemies and pick them up. Not quite the Super Mario Bros. 2 game style we might have been hoping for, but it should allow for some good course variety in any case.
    • Super Mario Bros. 3: The Frog Suit gives Mario the usual high-jumping and fast-swimming powers, plus the new ability to run on top of the water's surface.
    • Super Mario World: The Power Balloon makes Mario float, now with the ability to also change his angle in mid-air. Ho-hum.
    • New Super Mario Bros. U: The Super Acorn lets Mario drift as a flying squirrel.
    • Super Mario 3D World: The Boomerang Flower lets Mario throw boomerangs, as you might expect.

    What Makes Slot Machine Appear In Mario 3d Worlds

    The Super Mario 3D World game style is also getting a selection of five unique helmets as power ups. These range from a cannon box that lets you shoot projectiles to a Bullet Bill mask that lets you fly horizontally to a Goomba mask that hides you from foes like Thwomps.

    What Makes Slot Machine Appear In Mario 3d World Cup

    Perhaps more important than all that, Nintendo is also introducing the Koopalings (aka 'Koopa Kids') as new boss characters available for insertion into levels. All seven of these miniature koopas have slightly different capabilities, and they should make for a nice change from the endless waves of Boom Booms and Bowsers that often end Mario Maker stages.

    While Nintendo is calling this the final 'major' update to Super Mario Maker 2, that doesn't preclude further minor updates or even paid DLC for the game in the future. That kind of support probably depends on how sales and player numbers look following this update's release tomorrow. We know we'll be diving back in to see what new multi-level creations these options lead to from the community.

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